If you’ve ever wanted to nominate a notable person or organisation for a Blue Plaque, then now’s your chance, as Historic England is seeking ideas from the public.

London’s 1000th official blue plaque unveiled in 2023 (c) ianVisits

To be eligible, the person being nominated needs to have died at least 20 years ago and have at least one building associated with them that survives from the time of their occupancy and where a plaque would be clearly visible from a public highway.

They are also required to have made a significant contribution to human welfare or happiness and/or have made an exceptional impact in their field, community, or society at large.

Blue plaques celebrate the relationship between people and places, such as where they were born, worked, lived, or died. Because of this, plaques need to be on surviving buildings with evidence of a meaningful connection with the person commemorated.

Nominations can be made here until 19th July 2024.

Research Grants

In order to encourage a wide range of blue plaque nominations from the public, Historic England is also inviting community groups to apply for its new Community Research Grants. These grants are available for organisations working with historians or researchers who want to discover more about historical figures who may be eligible for a national blue plaque.

Historic England hopes that through funding this work there will be an increase in the diversity of people nominated for blue plaques and that this new research will uncover untold stories in different communities and places.

Funding will be up to £7,000 per project.


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  1. Susan Clapson says:

    Would like to suggest for a Blue Plaque…
    Professor Philip Collins, expert on Dickens
    LeicesteKnew him as my tutor at Leicester University
    Don’t know home address in Leicester

    • ianVisits says:

      You need to follow the istructions in the article – they won’t read your comment on here.

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