Next to each door on a DLR train is a control panel with buttons and codes next to them, and I am often asked what the codes stand for.

So for your information, and direct from a Passenger Service Agent (PSA) on a DLR train last week, here’s the rundown of DLR door codes.

The key that all PSAs carry is pushed into the control panel and turned to control the train.

E – Energise

Turn the key to E and that’s what enables the buttons to work on that door for the PSA to use, but none of the other control panels at the other doors.

N – Neutral

This is the standard mode the key is left in, which is for the train to depart under computer control

I – Inhibit

Allows the PSA to stop the train immediately if they needed to.

Once the PSA has energised the control panel, the buttons they can press…

PA – Passenger Alarm

Not for alarmed passengers, but is more the public announcement used by the PSA to talk to customers, such as warning them the door is about to close or train destinations.

COD – Close Other Doors

This is the button the DLR attendant presses to close and lock all the doors other than the one they are standing at ahead of closing their door and the train leaving.

CTD – Close This Door

Self explanatory hopefully — all the other doors are closed, and now the DLR attendant closes the door they are standing by and the train is now ready to leave.

ROD – Reenable Other Doors

Basically turns the door buttons back on again on all the closed platform-facing doors that are shut — other than where the DLR attendant is standing, as that door is likely to be open anyway.

Mainly used if they see someone running to the train and there’s enough time to let them on.

So a typical sequence when a train is in a station would be:

Key to E(nergise)

Press PA to tell passengers the doors are about to close

Press COD to close all other doors

Check platform

Press CTD to close the last door.

Turn key to N(eutral)

The train drives off.

The existing DLR trains and the new ones arriving next year will have different control panel layouts based on feedback from the PSAs, who requested the order be changed and the key is moved to the bottom of the panel to make it easier to use.

But the acronyms will remain the same.


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  1. Ben M says:

    Surely PA stands for public address given the function of that button!

    • Adrian says:

      Yeah, I was thinking that. PA is such a common abbreviation and it’s usual meaning makes much more sense in this context.

  2. Liam Kenny says:

    I hope that they retrofit the older trains with the new layout of buttons. It’s really difficult when two versions run in parallel to eachother.

  3. Clive Penfold says:

    Passenger Service Agent – what an uninspiring and confusing name. If you said Guard, everyone would know who you were talking about.

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