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Your guide to London's culture and transport news and events taking place across the city.

Colindale Tube Station - address, train times, maps, news

Station Address
Colindale Tube Station ,
Colindale Station,
Colindale Avenue
PostcodeNW9 5HR
Map of

Lines Served

London Underground logo

Which London travel zone is Colindale Tube Station in?

Colindale Tube Station is in London TravelZone: 4

Station facilities

Waiting room?
Cash Machines (ATMS)?



Colindale Tube Station News

History of Colindale Tube Station

24th Oct 1980The station's siding was fitted with a 15mp approach controlled trainstop.
Circa Dec 1962In December 1962, a new entrance opened, replacing the temporary entrance on the eastern side which opened in 1960.
25th Sep 1940At 8:45pm, the station was hit by a large bomb. Two trains with a total of 400 people on board were at the station at the time of the explosion, and 13 people were killed. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visited the station the following day
18th Aug 1924The station opened on this day, on what was then the 'Hampstead and Highgate Line', the first station of the second section of the extension to Edgware.