For one week this autumn, there will be an immersive light and sound experience created by Luxmuralis, celebrating the history of coronations and the Crown Jewels. The show, Crown and Coronation will focus on the spectacle, significance and shared experience of coronation and the pivotal role of the Crown Jewels in this year’s Coronation Service.

(c) Historic Royal Palaces

Featuring imagery and footage of monarchs and coronations past and the regalia itself, the video will be projected onto the White Tower inside the Tower of London, and the visit will include the video projects and going to see the Crown Jewels themselves.

The light show will take place between Friday 17th and Saturday 25th November 2023, before a UK wide tour in 2024. Entry starts at 5pm and they will admit people every 15 minutes until 7:45pm.

They expect a visit to last about an hour.

Tickets cost £19.50 for adults and £12.50 for children — and are on sale now from here.

You are allowed to take photographs providing these are for personal use, but they ask people to refrain from video recording throughout the experience. Full details are here.

A tip – after the last of the public has left the Tower, there’s the formal locking of the tower, in an ancient tradition known as the Ceremony of the Keys which you can also watch. My suggestion would be to book your tickets to Crown and Coronation for  7:45pm, and then put a note in your diary as tickets to attend the Ceremony of the Keys in November will (usually) be released on the first Tuesday in October from here.

With a pinch of luck, you’ll be able to do both on the same evening.

(c) Historic Royal Palaces


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  1. Holly Bridgeman says:

    I’m really excited for this event but find the comment about the fact you are allowed to take photos incredibly misleading. I work at the ToL and there’s no change to the rules about taking photos inside the Jewel House itself. Are you able to reword this paragraph please or better still, just remove it? Thank you

    • ianVisits says:

      Thanks for the feedback, but the sentence comes from the Tower of London’s own website – if it’s misleading, then you need to tell your managers.

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