Charing Cross Road’s restored Welsh Chapel opens for Nan Goldin’s exhibition
There will be a chance to step inside Charing Cross Road’s gothic-looking former Welsh Chapel later this month as it opens its doors for an art exhibition.
The Welsh Chapel, built in 1888 by James Cubitt on Charing Cross Road, was a busy place of worship until the 1950s, when urban populations drifted to the suburbs. In the 1980s, it became the Limelight nightclub, an Australian-themed pub, and eventually ended up as a squat.
It was recently restored for use as an arts centre and theatre space.
At the end of this month, it will host Nan Goldin’s Sisters, Saints, Sibyls, an art exhibition curated by Gagosian as part of its series of putting on exhibitions in interesting buildings.
Goldin begins her film Sisters, Saints, Sibyls (2004–22) with the myth of Saint Barbara. She presents the story of the early Christian martyr as a three-channel projection that echoes the triptych format of classical religious painting. Images of Saint Barbara accompany a voiceover that describes her defiance of her parents’ beliefs, a transgression for which they tortured her.
They’ve chosen to display the religious-inspired video art in the former Welsh Chapel.
The exhibition, Sisters, Saints, Sibyls will be open extended hours during London Gallery Weekend – on Friday 31st May and Saturday 1st June, from 10am to 8pm, and on Sunday 2nd June from 10am to 6pm.
The exhibition will then run until 23rd June daily from 10am to 6pm except Mondays.
The Welsh Chapel is on Charing Cross Road, close to the junction with Shaftesbury Avenue, and it’s free to visit. You don’t need tickets.
The presentation coincides with an exhibition of select early black-and-white photographs by Goldin at Gagosian, Burlington Arcade, London, from 14th May to 22nd June 2024.
Edited 18th May – corrected reference to the current state of the venue.
Hello. Stone Nest has actually now been operating the building with quite a full programme since 2021 – details at – this is just one part of that programme