Dennis Severs House reopening with ceramic exhibition

Dennis Severs’ House, the remarkable Georgain experience has closed for repairs, but has also confirmed that it will reopen with a redisplay of their spring exhibition of Simon Pettet’s ceramics.

Dennis Severs lived in the house which he part-converted, part-restored into an exceptional experience to visit between 1979 to 1999, and in 1983, was joined by his boyfriend, Simon Pettet who was an artist who specialised in ceramics. Earlier this year, for the first time in an exhibition setting, Simon’s modern twist on Deftware went on display back in the house that inspired him.

You can look at the objects as individual pieces, yet, somehow, sitting on their yellow plinths, they work rather well within the Georgian rooms, and add a contemporary twist to the antique display you should stand back and soak in.

The house is closed until the end of September for urgent repairs to the 300+ year old chimneys but will reopen on 29th September, and the exhibition will run until 29th October.

It’s usually a good idea to book in advance as there can be long queues on busy days for people without tickets.