British Museum to put recovered stolen gems on display

Some of the objects that went missing from the British Museum but have been recovered will be displayed later this month as part of an exhibition about classical gems.

Intaglio with profile bust of Minerva or Athena in black glass with white band, Roman 1st c. BC-1st c. AD (c) The Trustees of the British

Last August, the museum made the surprise announcement that around 2,000 items had gone missing from its collection, the majority of which were classical gems
and items of gold jewellery. Apart from the intense focus on the museum’s processes and procedures to protect its collection, the news also sparked a renewed public interest in the missing objects themselves.

Now that some of the gems have been recovered, they will go on display in a new exhibition that explores the significance of classical gems and the impression they have left throughout history.

Gems were hugely popular during the 18th century in Europe and visitors to the exhibition will be able to see them displayed in a typical gem cabinet reflective of the period alongside other collector’s equipment, such as a magnifying glass, cast impressions and drawings.

The exhibition, Rediscovering gems will be on display at the British Museum for free in Room 3, which is the exhibition room next to the main entrance (turn right on entering the doors) from 15th February to 15th June 2024.