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Your guide to London's culture and transport news and events taking place across the city.


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snow - Latest news, articles and photos

The acolytes of Gormley muster in the fields
The acolytes of Gormley muster in the fields

The acolytes of Gormley muster in the fields

By prior agreement, when the secret signal was delivered, the Acolytes of Gormley were instructed to muster in their local playing fields for a mass participation event. Sponsored by the National Lottery’s Department for Funding Obscure Art Things, the Acolytes


EXCLUSIVE: How London’s snow really arrives

If you thought snow fell from the sky as a natural phenomena, then let me dissuade you of that old-fashioned thinking. In our modern age where we expect nature to confirm to our requirements and calendar – snow is imported

Great Snow Storm of 2009 to be made into a movie
Great Snow Storm of 2009 to be made into a movie

Great Snow Storm of 2009 to be made into a movie

I’m joking – although frankly, I wouldn’t rule it out. Anyhow, enjoy this outstanding picture from the members of the b3ta photoshopping website. The Day After Today – from b3ta productions.


It’s illegal to use a slide on the snow

I was reading the LordsoftheBlog and posted a comment from there onto another chat site – commenting on the rather polite way the Lords reacted when part of the ceiling collapsed in the 1980s. Another chap over there then asked
