Three weeks of free events in the City of London

Later this month, the City of London will be recreating a modern version of the ancient Bartholomew Fair, with more family-friendly events than the debauchery that the original was famous for.

The fair was founded in 890 years ago, in 1133, and grew over the centuries to become London’s most important annual fair. However, the fair was shut down in 1855 by the City authorities for encouraging debauchery and public disorder.

This year, a more wholesome version is returning to the City, with three weeks of free events taking place, and the itinerary has now been published.

There’s a lot happening, including everything from a rope dance performance on the side of St. Paul’s Cathedral and an eccentric journey with hot air balloons gliding through the streets.

In the second week, there’s a circus in Broadgate while giant slinkies will be bouncing around the city.

In the third week, stilt dancers will walk around Leadenhall, along with a parade and special effects puppets shows.

The events are all free to attend and don’t need booking to watch.

The full listings are here.

If the fair is a succcess, then this could be the countdown to its 900th anniversary in 2033.