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Your guide to London's culture and transport news and events taking place across the city.

Streatham Rail Station - address, train times, maps, news

Station Address
Streatham Rail Station ,
Streatham station,
Streatham High Road,
PostcodeSW16 6HP
Map of

Lines Served

National Rail logo
National Rail logo

Which London travel zone is Streatham Rail Station in?

Streatham Rail Station is in London TravelZone: 3

Station facilities

Customer Help Points
Waiting room?
Waiting room location
There is a heated waiting room on platform 1 (for services towards Croydon and Wimbledon) available 06:00 to 20:00 and unheated sheltered seating on Platform 2 (towards London).
Baby change room


This is a Category B3 station: Step-free access to platform 1 (to Croydon/ Sutton) via Hopton Road footpath and side entrance. Steps to platform 2 (to London).

Streatham Rail Station photos

Streatham Rail Station Lift interior
Lift interior

Streatham Rail Station Lift on southbound platform
Lift on southbound platform

Streatham Rail Station Lift to London bound platforms
Lift to London bound platforms

Streatham Rail Station Southbound platform lift at ticket office level
Southbound platform lift at ticket office level

Streatham Rail Station Southbound platform looking north
Southbound platform looking north

Streatham Rail Station Southbound platform
Southbound platform

Streatham Rail Station Station entrance
Station entrance

Streatham Rail Station Ticket hall
Ticket hall

Streatham Rail Station News

History of Streatham Rail Station

4th Dec 2023Step-free access works were completed and two new lifts came into service on this day.
Circa Jun 2009Ticket barriers were installed to the entrance in June 2009.