Stella Artois airship over London
A few weeks ago, I read about plans to fly airships over London as a tourist attraction. It seems that the giant Zeppelins, sponsored by Stella Artois have started their flights as one drifted over South London heading towards Greenwich this morning.
Would love to go on one, but the price is a bit painful – alas.
Update: My friends over at The Londonist got to go on a trip and their report is here.
I live on the top of Shooters Hill in London. I am not enjoying the Air Ship! Today I counted 14 times the air ship flying noisily at low level over my house and invading the privacy of myself, wife and children in my own back garden. I probably wouldn’t complain if it was once or twice a day – but I am finding the frequency of these visits far too invasive. I’m sure this problem is made worse by the fact that living at such a high point in London means the air ship is nearer to our house than most others. Surely the flight path could be altered so it isn’t just flying over one neighborhood or the same few houses all day long! This may seem like a trivial complaint but the Air Ship if flying over so regularly than I can tell you the schedule – I know the time when one is due and my wife comes in from the garden to avoid the noise and being spyed on while she sunbaths, like waiting for a train to pass.
Tim Marchant
I live in Bexleyheath & I too have the airship passing at low height above my house several times a day but unlike Tim Marchant my children & i will really miss it when it stops flying next week.
No matter how often it goes over we all go out in the garden & just watch it. I find it really facinating to watch & priviledged that we get to see it. As for the noise.. What noise? It glides gracefully across the sky & i hope it takes to the sky again next year. I just wish i could afford to take a trip in it.