The once-a-year late night event where loads of museums open late at the same time is to take place twice this year, with a second round in October.

On Halloween.

So far the following smaller museums have confirmed their plans for the night.


30th October

Museum of the Order of St John (£30 per team)

A traditional pub quiz in the Museum’s historic rooms. The Jerusalem Tavern will be selling a range of beverages and bar snacks.

The Hunterian Museum (free)

Commemorating the bicentenary of the birth of Victorian Microscopist Professor John Quekett and 150 years since the founding of the club that bears his name; this event will celebrate the wonders of the microscopic world through talks, demonstrations and art workshops.

Handel House Museum (£12 – prebook)

Cathy Bell (mezzo-soprano) will deliver a lecture-recital that explores light in the 18th century. Going to the opera, a night-time activity, involved candles to not only light the stage but also the journey to and from the opera house.

Benjamin Franklin House (£5)

In 1997, a chance discovery during conservation sparked an investigation at Benjamin Franklin House: how did human skeletal remains of up to 10 individuals come to be buried under the basement floor?

Dr Johnson’s House (£4.50)

An autumnal eve enjoying a glass of wine and exploring their latest exhibition: ‘Shakespeare in the 18th-Century: Johnson, Garrick and Friends.’

Bank of England Museum (free)

There will be ad-hoc gallery talks by the Museum’s team offering a unique insight into some of the most intriguing and fascinating objects of its unique collections.

31st October

Croydon Airport Visitor Centre (free)

The Booking Hall will be open with tours to the visitor centre and control tower.


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One comment
  1. LadyBracknell says:

    For the first time in its history, the V&A will be open for 24 hours during the final weekend of the massively popular McQueen exhibition. More information here:

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