As the news media will be obsessed today with 100 days, I thought I would join in the joyous celebrations of 100 days to the 27th July 2012.

It is also, for example just 100 days until the 31st anniversary of when TV characters, Ken Barlow married Deirdre Langton, which proves to be a national event scoring massive viewer numbers for the soap opera, Corronation Street

Today is 100 days until the 63rd anniversary of the inaugural flight of the prototype of the de Havilland Comet, the first jet-powered passenger airliner.

You should also note that it 100 days until the Welsh possibly choose to celebrate the 147th anniversary of Welsh settlers arriving at Chubut in Argentina.

Staff at the Bank of England will doubtless mark 100 days until the 318th anniversary of the Bank being granted a Royal Charter by King William III.

Franophiles will be gleefully celebrating 100 days until the 798th anniversary of the Battle of Bouvines – when France’s Philip II of France defeated King John of England

Finally, Shakespearean affectionados will doubtless be marking one hundred days until the 958th anniversary of when Siward, Earl of Northumbria invaded Scotland and defeated Macbeth, King of Scotland somewhere north of the Firth of Forth.

Happy 100 Days!


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