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Your guide to London's culture and transport news and events taking place across the city.

North Acton Tube Station - address, train times, maps, news

Station Address
North Acton Tube Station ,
North Acton Station,
Victoria Rd
PostcodeW3 6UP
Map of

Lines Served

London Underground logo

Which London travel zone is North Acton Tube Station in?

North Acton Tube Station is in London TravelZone: 2

Station facilities

Waiting room?
Cash Machines (ATMS)?



North Acton Tube Station photos

North Acton Tube Station North Acton Square in front of the station
North Acton Square in front of the station

North Acton Tube Station Station entrance
Station entrance

North Acton Tube Station The west bound platform and stairs to station exit
The west bound platform and stairs to station exit

North Acton Tube Station Ticket hall looking towards exit
Ticket hall looking towards exit

North Acton Tube Station News

History of North Acton Tube Station

5th May 1981A wooden building on the eastbound platform which was split between being the staffroom and a public waiting room was badly damaged by fire.