London Bus themed bar to open next month

Next month the Design Junction returns to London, and as in previous years, will include a London Transport themed bar.

As part of the year of the bus, TfL will have a restaurant bar on the second floor in partnership with the East London Liquor Company.

Last year it was beer in a tube station — this year its spirits in a bus.


The restaurant, designed by designjunction Creative Director, Michael Sodeau, will feature a huge version of the General Map of Outer London, archive photography of buses and bus workers from TfL archives and a wall made from reclaimed vintage enamel bus stops.

The space will be furnished by British furniture brand, Modus, with pieces upholstered in the latest TfL fabrics from Kirkby Design.

The event itself, Design Junction is basically a vast trade show for design companies to persuade you to open your wallet to them, but it isn’t a bad few hours wandering around looking at furniture and fittings either.

It’ll be open from 18th to 21st Sept. Entry is £8.28 in advance or £10 on the door. If you’re really into interior design, there are lectures on specific dates which might affect which day you visit. Or not.