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Your guide to London's culture and transport news and events taking place across the city.

Hammersmith (H&C Line) Tube Station - address, train times, maps, news

Station Address
Hammersmith (H&C Line) Tube Station ,
Hammersmith (H & C),
Beadon Road
PostcodeW6 7AA
Map of

Lines Served

London Underground logo
Hammersmith City
London Underground logo

Which London travel zone is Hammersmith (H&C Line) Tube Station in?

Hammersmith (H&C Line) Tube Station is in London TravelZone: 2

Station facilities

Waiting room?
Cash Machines (ATMS)?

History of Hammersmith (H&C Line) Tube Station

20th Apr 1987New self-service ticket vending machines were installed here for the first time, able to sell 10 different types of ticket, and can provide change for sales up to £5. The rest of the Underground would see them in all stations by the end of 1988.