If you’re a Freeman (or freewoman) of the City of London, then you can exercise your ancient right to take sheep across London Bridge this coming September.

It’s both an ancient right of doubtful origins and a modern tradition of very clear heritage. Whatever the origins of the story that only Freeman could take sheep across London Bridge, the rule such as it was is no longer applicable, and the police will take a very dim view of anyone attempting it without permission.

However, the Worshipful Company of Woolmen have resurrected the ancient tradition, and for the past few years, around 600 Freemen have been able to take sheep across London Bridge. There will also be a livery fair next to the Monument, showing off the trades of the ancient livery guilds in the City of London.

Having done it before, it’s less herding sheep across the bridge, than following the bleating bundles of wool while more experienced farmhands guide them for you.

That said, it’s a ridiculously fun thing to do.

Freemen can book tickets to participate here. They sell out very fast.

The sheepdrive will take place on Sunday 25th September 2022 between 10am to 4pm.


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