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Your guide to London's culture and transport news and events taking place across the city.

Northolt Tube Station - address, train times, maps, news

Station Address
Northolt Tube Station ,
Northolt Underground Station,
Mandeville Rd,
PostcodeUB5 4AA
Map of

Lines Served

London Underground logo

Which London travel zone is Northolt Tube Station in?

Northolt Tube Station is in London TravelZone: 5

Station facilities

Waiting room?
yes (male, female)
Cash Machines (ATMS)?



Northolt Tube Station photos

Northolt Tube Station Platforms looking towards the station entrance
Platforms looking towards the station entrance

Northolt Tube Station Stairs to ticket office
Stairs to ticket office

Northolt Tube Station Station entrance
Station entrance

Northolt Tube Station Ticket hall from entrance
Ticket hall from entrance

Northolt Tube Station Ticket hall
Ticket hall

Northolt Tube Station Waiting room on platform
Waiting room on platform

Northolt Tube Station News

History of Northolt Tube Station

20th Feb 2024It was announced that delayed work to add step-free access to the station would start in early 2025.
17th Jan 1980The reversing siding at the station was fitted with a 15mph approach controlled trainstop.
Circa Nov 1948The current London Underground station replaced the older halt on this day.
Circa Jan 1907The Great Western Railway constructed a halt just to the east of this location named Northolt Halt in 1907, on their "New North Main Line" (now the Acton–Northolt line) to Birmingham.