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Your guide to London's culture and transport news and events taking place across the city.

Kilburn Tube Station - address, train times, maps, news

Station Address
Kilburn Tube Station ,
Kilburn Station,
Shootup Hill
PostcodeNW6 7QL
Map of

Lines Served

London Underground logo

Which London travel zone is Kilburn Tube Station in?

Kilburn Tube Station is in London TravelZone: 2

Station facilities

Waiting room?
yes (male, female, disabled/baby-changing facilities)
Cash Machines (ATMS)?



Kilburn Tube Station photos

Kilburn Tube Station Front of Station
Front of Station

Kilburn Tube Station Lift from platform to street
Lift from platform to street

Kilburn Tube Station Platform looking toward entrance
Platform looking toward entrance

Kilburn Tube Station Stairs from platform to entrance and lift on left side
Stairs from platform to entrance and lift on left side

Kilburn Tube Station Station entrance and ticket hall
Station entrance and ticket hall

History of Kilburn Tube Station

10th Feb 2005The station gained a lift between street and platforms on this day, as part of a wider refurbishment of the station.
1st May 1979The station was transfer to the new Jubilee line on this day.
25th Sep 1950The station was renamed to its current name on 25 September 1950.
7th Dec 1940Metropolitan line services through the station ceased on 7th December 1940, where services were fully transferred to the Bakerloo line.
20th Nov 1939Kilburn station was transferred to become part of the Stanmore branch of the Bakerloo line on 20th November 1939, and the station was rebuilt.
Circa Jan 1913Two fast line railway tracks were added on either side of the station in 1913.
24th Nov 1879The station opened as Kilburn and Brondesbury on 24 November 1879, as part of the Metropolitan Railway extension to Willesden Green.