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Your guide to London's culture and transport news and events taking place across the city.

Camden Road Rail Station - address, train times, maps, news

Station Address
Camden Road Rail Station ,
Camden Road station,
Camden Road,
Greater London
PostcodeNW1 9LS
Map of

Lines Served

London Overground logo
London Overground

Which London travel zone is Camden Road Rail Station in?

Camden Road Rail Station is in London TravelZone: 2

Station facilities

Customer Help Points
Waiting room?
Waiting room location
Platform 1
Baby change room


Accessibility category A. This station has lift access to both platforms

History of Camden Road Rail Station

25th Sep 1950The station was renamed Camden Road on 25 September 1950 to avoid confusion with the London Underground Northern line Camden Town which had opened in 1907.
5th Dec 1870The station opened as Camden Town by the North London Railway, replacing an older station slightly to the east.