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Your guide to London's culture and transport news and events taking place across the city.

Barnes Bridge Rail Station - address, train times, maps, news

Station Address
Barnes Bridge Rail Station ,
Barnes Bridge station,
The Terrace,
Greater London
PostcodeSW13 0NP
Map of

Lines Served

National Rail logo
South Western Railway

Which London travel zone is Barnes Bridge Rail Station in?

Barnes Bridge Rail Station is in London TravelZone: 3

Station facilities

Customer Help Points
Customer Help points are located on every platform
Waiting room?
Baby change room

Car Park

Car parking spaces
Accessible spaces

Cycle Storage

Cycle storage capacity
14 spaces
Cycle storage type
Cycle storage CCTV


Step-free category C station. Steps to both platforms from street level. On Platform 1 side there is a ramp at approx 1:10 gradient leading from the top of the steps to the platform

History of Barnes Bridge Rail Station

19th Jul 1947An honorary certificate of the Carnegie Hero Fund Trust and two cheques were presented to Southern railwayman Jack Kingman, for his heroic action on 19th July, when he rescued a passenger from a live rail at Barnes Bridge railway station.
2nd Dec 1939A woman, Miss Richards was taken to hospital after trying to get out of the train while it was still approaching the station and suffering back injuries.
12th Mar 1916The station opened on this day.