Alexander Fleming Laboratory Museum


St Mary’s Hospital is home to the Alexander Fleming Laboratory Museum. Fleming discovered the antibiotic penicillin at St Mary’s Hospital in 1928, a breakthrough that revolutionised medicine and earned him a Nobel Prize.

Visitors to the Museum can see Fleming’s laboratory, restored to its 1928 condition, and explore the story of Fleming and the discovery and development of penicillin through displays and video.


St Mary's Hospital,
Praed Street,
W2 1NY

Ticket prices

The museum is free to visit, by rebooked appointment only.

Prices last checked Sept 2023

Link to Alexander Fleming Laboratory Museum website

Opening Hours

The museum is open Monday to Friday between 10am and 1pm by advance appointment only. Contact the museum to make an appointment.

The Museum is closed on public holidays and between Christmas and New Year.

Opening hours last checked Sept 2023.


The museum is on the first and second floor up a flight of stairs. There is NO lift access to the museum.


Alexander Fleming Laboratory Museum
St Mary's Hospital,
Praed Street,
W2 1NY
