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Worcester Park Rail Station - address, train times, maps, news

Station Address
Worcester Park Rail Station ,
Worcester Park station,
Malden Road,
Worcester Park
Greater London
PostcodeKT4 7NB
Map of

Lines Served

National Rail logo
South Western Railway

Which London travel zone is Worcester Park Rail Station in?

Worcester Park Rail Station is in London TravelZone: 4

Station facilities

Customer Help Points
Help points are available on all platforms
Waiting room?
Waiting room location
Platform 1 in ticket office building. No heating in the waiting room. Seating is compliant with the code of practice.
Toilets location
The toilets are located in the Waiting Room on Platform 1.
Baby change room

Car Park

Car parking spaces
90 spaces
Accessible spaces
3 spaces

Cycle Storage

Cycle storage capacity
76 spaces
Cycle storage type
Cycle storage CCTV


Step-free category B1 station. Step-free access to all platforms - may include long or steep ramps. Access between platforms may be via the street. Ramp at gradient of approx 1:14 to main entrance and Platform 1 (for trains towards London). Lifts to Platform 2 (for trains towards Epsom). The alternative step-free route is an additional approx. 150m walk. Lifts are open at all times trains are running. Also stepped entrances to both side from main road