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Your guide to London's culture and transport news and events taking place across the city.

Carshalton Rail Station - address, train times, maps, news

Station Address
Carshalton Rail Station ,
Carshalton station,
North Street,
Greater London
PostcodeSM5 2HW
Map of

Lines Served

National Rail logo
National Rail logo

Which London travel zone is Carshalton Rail Station in?

Carshalton Rail Station is in London TravelZone: 5

Station facilities

Customer Help Points
Waiting room?
Waiting room location
Heated and step free waiting rooms are available on each platform during staffed hours.
Baby change room

Car Park

Car parking spaces
32 spaces
Accessible spaces
1 spaces

Cycle Storage

Cycle storage capacity
16 spaces
Cycle storage type
Cycle storage CCTV


This is a Category A station: Step free access to both platforms via lifts. Platform 2 also has step free access via side gate. Assistance Meeting Point is the station entrance.

Carshalton Rail Station photos

Carshalton Rail Station far end of the platforms
far end of the platforms

Carshalton Rail Station main entrance
main entrance

Carshalton Rail Station main platforms area
main platforms area

Carshalton Rail Station subway with lifts to both platforms
subway with lifts to both platforms

Carshalton Rail Station ticket hall
ticket hall

History of Carshalton Rail Station

16th Aug 2019Lifts were added to the station, offering step-free access to the platforms.
1st Oct 1868The first station opened on this date.