Northern Ireland: Living with the Troubles

Imperial War Museum


Imperial War Museum
Lambeth Road


This exhibition has now closed

This exhibition runs from Friday 26th May 2023 to Sunday 7th January 2024.

The Troubles engulfed Northern Ireland in conflict for nearly 30 years. It was - and remains - a contentious period, with roots going back centuries.

A fragile cease fire was signed in 1998, yet many aspects of the conflict remain unresolved to this day and are highly contested by those who experienced and participated in the conflict.

This exhibition will invite visitors to further their understanding of the Troubles through the multiple perspectives of individuals affected by the conflict.

In each section, visitors will hear from people with a range of differing perspectives and encounter objects that illuminate their experiences. The voices you hear will emphasise that there is no single story everyone involved can agree on.

An exhibition glossary will be available explaining the key terms and abbreviations which feature, to help visitors get to grips with the complexities of this multi-faceted conflict.



Contact and Booking Details

More information at this website.

Upcoming Dates

This exhibition runs from Friday 26th May 2023 to Sunday 7th January 2024.

Forthcoming dates:


The information and prices in this listing are presumed to be correct at the time of publishing, but please always check with the venue before making a special trip.

All images are supplied by the exhibition organiser.

Imperial War Museum
Lambeth Road


This exhibition runs from Friday 26th May 2023 to Sunday 7th January 2024.

This event runs over several days/weeks. Dates include:

May 2023

June 2023

July 2023

August 2023

September 2023

October 2023

November 2023

December 2023

January 2024