Tickets Alert: Akira

For one week, the ICA in central London is running screenings of the cult classic cyberpunk animation, Akira.

Shown fortunately in Japanese with English subtitles, rather than dubbed, it’s one of the genre’s greatest movies.

Set in 2019 and based on the director’s iconic manga of the same name, the film depicts a dystopian Tokyo roamed by anarchic gangs of vicious teenage bikers and guerrilla groups who clash in bloody battles with the police.

Widely regarded as one of the greatest animated films ever made, Akira continues to influence popular culture worldwide, impacting the development of science fiction across animation, music, television and video games.

It’s one of those films that fits firmly into the box of films everyone should see at least once in their life.

Screenings at the ICA run from Sun 26th Jan to Friday 31st Jan, most afternoon and evenings.

Tickets can be booked here.