Tickets Alert: After-hours audio tours of Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Palace will open late for two weeks next month as it engages in a new theatrical tour within the palace buildings.

(c) Historic Royal Palaces, Courtesy of Ali Wright

Visitors will wear headphones while wandering the palace’s darkened halls in groups, as the stories of the women who lived and worked in the palace are recounted by a host of actors. The hour-long journey combines binaural headphone audio with a bespoke sound environment in the historic spaces.

Throughout the experience, visitors will be walking through almost dark rooms, only dimly lit.

The event, Still The Hours is suitable for audiences aged 14 and over. Trigger Warning: The production contains themes of death, baby-loss and threat of violence.

The event takes place from 19th to 30th March between 6pm and 8:30pm, and the tour lasts about an hour.

Tickets cost £29 per person and can be booked here.

Still The Hours is commissioned by Historic Royal Palaces and developed by artists Claire Doherty MBE, James Bulley and Kaite O’Reilly FRSL for House Dog Productions, in consultation with experts from the visually impaired community.

There will be one relaxed performance on Sunday 30th March at 7pm – details here.