The Shard Arises – June 2010
Latest in the monthly series of photos of The Shard as seen from my flat. After a couple of months of idleness, the building has really started to rocket upwards and this month, the concrete core overtook the Guys Hospital building next door in height.
Also noticeable now though are the floor structures being built around the core as they rose up above the horizon – probably the floors that TfL were planning to move into, until the owners decided they wanted to avoid the sight of Bob Crow being seen in the building and brought them out (or something suspiciously like that).
Also note the seeming completion of the demolition of the building next to the tower, which was covered in white wrapping last month and has vanished over the past few weeks.
The full photo set with a photo taken (roughly) each weekend.
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Tripped over your page whilst browsing for info on the Shard. Great vantage point. Which direction is your camera pointing? If I had time, I would pop down to the southbank and take regular photos, but i live in Hertfordshire and it’s a bit of a trek. Great idea, hope you keep taking photos. Thanks so for. Nick N .
Really great to have the updates. Look forward to following them till completion!