The annual lock-down

London Marathon today – and I am locked into my flat. The sealing off of the roads around Docklands means I am quite literally unable to leave my flat until around 4pm this afternoon.

I used to be able to wander up to Westferry along the riverside path and escape that way, but building work has closed off the path – so I am now trapped.

I get a bit stir-crazy if I can’t get out of the flat for a short while at least once per day, so today is a tad difficult – but at least it is only one day per year.

Quite naturally, as I am trapped in the flat for one whole day – I visited the supermarket yesterday and stocked up on at least a weeks supply of food and water.

Still, if I find out when those Massi Mara runners are going past the flat I might stick my nose out of the door and take a photo of them.