Sponsor the Skynet satellite, or the Red Arrows

There’s an opportunity to have your name on a Spitfire plane, or the Skynet satellite, or a jar of sand.

The RAF Museum is selling sponsorships, where you have your name added to the object as it’s adoptive sponsor.

They are offering 50 items from their collection for adoption, out of the 1.3 million in their collection, and it ranges from odd items that are historically significant to the more obvious items, such as entire aircraft.

For £25, you could adopt Amy Johnson’s fabric doll is £25, some food ration cards, or a beer mat that celebrates a nuclear test.

For £50, you could adopt an air gunner RAF flying badge, or a Burma Star.

For £200, you can be one of several people to jointly adopt a Spitfire fighter plane.

£500 gets your name on one of the UK’s Skynet spy satellite, and presumably protection from The Terminator.

Rather unusual, £500 also allows you to adopt a jar of sand — from the Great Escape’s Stalag Luft III parade ground, or for £750, a fragment of the Dambuster’s Mohne Dam.

The cost of adopting a Red Arrows plane is “upon request”.

The full list is here.