Spitfire flypast over North London at Lunchtime

If you are in Hendon or Walthamstow at lunchtime today (11th May) look out for the distinctive shape of a WW2 Spitfire flying low overhead.

The BBMF will be doing two flypasts – at Hendon (the RAF Museum) at 12:30 for their private Veterans’ Day, and ten minutes later will sweep low over Walthamstow (Thorpe Hall Primary School).

The fly past over the school is in recognition of the local history project completed by current and ex pupils of Thorpe Hall Primary School.

Two murals were designed and painted by the children and highlight the work and heroics of Douglas Eyre (Founder of the London Playing Fields Foundation) and Harvey Dalton Johnson (An American pilot who crashed in a spitfire at a local sports field in 1942).

Not sure of the route between the two venues, but they are almost in a straight line West to East from each other so that could be roughly where to look up – here is a google map with the two locations marked.