Pyrotechnics and filming at Tower Bridge

A heads up that a couple of evenings next week could see bang bangs and boom booms next to Tower Bridge.

According to a river traffic warning, on Tues 28th May and Wed 29th May 2019 filming operations and a pyrotechnic display will take place in the Upper Pool.

Operations will be undertaken between 9pm and 10pm, so around Sunset between London Bridge City Pier and Hermitage Community Moorings, so pretty much a hundred yards either side of Tower Bridge itself.

There are two days booked, probably for weather insurance, and the weather looks a bit iffy on Tuesday, but perfect for an evening watching riverside explosions on Wednesday.

Could be related to the pyrotechnics and filming at City Airport last Sunday.

Could be worth looking out for if in the area. I doubt we’ll be seeing helicopters flying through Tower Bridge this time though. Alas.