Public Exhibition about the Kings Cross redevelopment

Recent visitors to Kings Cross station may have been drawn to a wooden scale model of the redevelopment works being carried out, especially the plans to remove the hideous old green ticket hall and create a new plaza outside the front.

Unlike some reports, they are not “restoring” the plaza, as it has never been an open space, but the current occupant of the spot is hardly appealing.

Kings Cross development model

Anyhow, just around the corner in the 19th century German Gymnasium is a much smaller version of that same model. What makes it more interesting though is that it makes up just a small part of a vast model of the whole area, especially focusing on the redevelopment plans for the area.

If you like big models of buildings, then the display will appeal – even if frustratingly – it is only open Mon-Fri and never on Saturdays*.

Looking North

The usual big display boards are dotted around the place, as this is not primarily a public exhibition, but a sales office to flog off the office blocks, and it just happens that they are happy to let the public wander around as well.

Actually, I think letting the public in gives the staff someone to talk to in between “official visitors”. A chat with one of the PAs gave an amusing anecdote. As is usual for these models, the new buildings are highlighted in white, leading to one visitor to ask if all the buildings will be painted white when finished.

Looking South

However, in addition to the big model of the redevelopment, there is also catnip to tube geeks in the form of a 3D model of the tube tunnels running under Kings Cross and St Pancras train stations.

Model of tunnels under Kings Cross

I’ve seen the model before somewhere, but models of underground tunnels are always fascinating, as was this small, but informative sign on the wall behind the model, even with the spelling mistake in the title.

Tunnels under Kings Cross

The exhibition (map link) is open to the public between 10:00am and 5:30pm, Monday to Thursday, and 10:00am to 4:30pm on Fridays.

*Will be open for London Open House Weekend, but that’s all.