Old posters revealed by workers at Moorgate station
Some in the ticket hall have already been removed, but a few linger on, and there is a corridor of vintage posters in the corridor running down to the Northern Line.
Not a place to linger normally, but at weekends, it’s sufficiently quiet to be able to see the posters without being too much of a loitering nuisance to people who hurry past uncaring of the adornment around them.
Most of the posters date from around 2006/7, depending on how deep the scrapers reached when the surface posters were removed.
glad this has been documented – have noticed the changing landscape these last 9-12 months or so, I commute into Moorgate via the Great Northern so come up the escalators there. Don’t typically use the Northern Line more than once a week. There is/was a 1997 Prefab Sprout poster at the top of the Great Northern escalators and v97 lineup as you exit for the east side of Moorgate road. Also a pre-44 ghost advertisement for the National Building Society which I have a photo of.
Indeed, great stuff. I spent quite a while down there photographing many of them. Just lovely, like Mimmo Rotella
Hi – i wondered if you have seen the walls on the northern line (heading north) at moorgate recently? – there are several old bilboard sections that have been really stripped back to bare plaster revealing sooty scratches and mortar, cracked tiles and multiple layers of flakey paint.. i snapped a few pics on my phone and was hoping to process them into a set of abstract expressionist images to print but i just realised that the setting on my camera was so low that the resolution is bearly useable..
i’m not from london and dont know when the next time i’ll be down – and to be honest i’m not 101% sure that it was even moorgate … anyway i found your page and thought if anyone noticed and was drawn to the entropic aesthetic of the underground it might jut be you 🙂
kind regards from Scotland,