Kingston bus station to close for rebuilding work
Kingston’s main bus station on Cromwell Road will close later this month to allow for a replacement building to be constructed on the site, eight years after the initial plans for the replacement were approved.

The current bus station opened in July 1995, replacing the bus garage on Clarence Street which dated to 1922. That old bus garage was on the opposite side of the road from the current one and was where the Rotunda/Odeon is today. The current bus station was built on the former coal yard sidings for the railway.
The project will see the 1995 station replaced with a new canopy that will provide protection against the weather across the station’s entire waiting area and will include planting along the edge. As it happens, one of the main objections to the 1995 design from local councillors was the design of the canopy which they said wouldn’t offer enough protection from the rain.
So that’s being fixed at last.
The development will also include a wider passenger island with more space for customers waiting for buses and moving around the bus station, as well as resurfaced pavements and improved drainage, including a sustainable urban drainage system. The new bus station building will also be set further back from the road, to widen the pavement space along the road.
The new bus station will be built from a mix of brick for the two main buildings and and weathering steel for the canopy, replacing the current bus station which is mainly a glass and steel canopy on brick supports with two end buildings.

Work on rebuilding the bus station will begin on 28th August and continue until summer 2024.
While construction is carried out, buses will not stop at the bus station and some buses that normally stop at the bus station or just outside on Cromwell Road will stop at new temporary stops a short walk away along Cromwell Road, while other services will be diverted as close to their original route as possible.
More details about the diversions are here.
Transport for London (TfL) originally applied for planning permission in 2015 to rebuild the bus station, which was approved at the time, and although amended slightly in the subsequent years, the design is largely the same as the original 2015 ideas.

I hope that includes new bus times and information display indicators.
Is there any news about “Vauxhall odd bus station?
Construction must surely result in added congestion to kingston town centre. I live just across the bridge. The omens were not good yesterday with lane reductions on a quiet holiday afternoon.
How is construction doing as at 18th of July 2024? Is the new bus station up and running?