Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland offering a free Accessible morning

Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland is usually very noisy and full of flashing lights, but they will have an accessible morning in November for people who struggle with such things.

Winter Wonderland – photo by Devon Rogers on Unsplash

They will also be operating at a significantly reduced capacity, ensuring it is accessible for those with physical and sensory sensitivities and people who don’t like large crowds.

There will also be a free 1pm performance of Zippos Christmas Circus, which will have an expanded seating area for wheelchair users, as well as the chance to meet Father Christmas in Santa’s Grotto.

Applications for Winter Wishes 2024 are now open; if you or your organisation would like to attend/receive more information about this year’s event, apply here before 30th September 2024 or email [email protected] with questions.

Note that tickets are not guaranteed, and successful applicants will be contacted directly.