Have a play with TfL’s property assets map

Ever wondered what land and assets the GLA and TfL own or lease in London? Well, there’s a map on their website.

Prepare to lose several hours of fascinated scrolling.

Property Asset Register Public Web Map (c) TfL/Arcgis

It shows the tube tunnels where TfL owns the stratum below ground, it shows the tube stations, in places in some considerable detail, such as the WW2 shelters under Tottenham Court Road and Camden. Odd little spurs off the tube tunnels tend to be ventilation shafts.

It’s not entirely complete yet, as there are clearly gaps along the tube tunnels, either due to omission, or sometimes TfL doesn’t actually own the stratum and may have legacy peppercorn rents or way rights to get around that. Bits of former tube tunnels are included, such as the original City and South London railway and the Embankment loop.

You can see the docking stations and buildings where TfL has a leasehold, the bus garages and of course, the DLR property assets.

Some interesting oddities turn up, such as a large plot of land owned by the GLA in the middle of the Isle of Dogs, that turns out to be a school. It turns out that TfL still owns a plot of land where the Northern line extension would have run to Bushy.

You might be surprised to see how much land the GLA owns in East London, a legacy from when the GLA was created and someone had to take ownership of empty docklands wharves and former industrial sites.

Property Asset Register Public Web Map (c) TfL/Arcgis

No sign of the dangleway, although it does sit within GLA freehold, so probably absorbed into that.

The map is here.