Gun Salutes in London during 2019

For gun salutes in 2020, go here.

Ceremonial military guns will go bang bang several times in London during 2019, at the Tower of London and in the Royal Parks.

The number of rounds fired in a Royal salute depends on the place and occasion.

The basic Royal salute is 21 rounds. In Hyde Park and Green Park an extra 20 rounds are added because they are Royal Parks.

At the Tower of London 62 rounds are fired on Royal anniversaries (the basic 21, plus a further 20 because the Tower is a Royal Palace and Fortress, plus another 21 ‘for the City of London’) and 41 on other occasions.

The gun salutes at the Tower of London take place along the riverside, so visible to all, but the area is cramped. Often you get a better view from Tower Bridge.

Salutes are not fired on Sundays, so if the official date falls on a Sunday, the salute will take place on Monday — and this year, that happens several times.

Wednesday 6th February

The Queen’s Accession to the Throne

  • Noon – Green Park (41 rounds)
  • 1pm – Tower of London (62 rounds)

March (date to be confirmed)

State Visit – details to be confirmed (guns fired at the Tower and in Green Park)

March/April (date to be confirmed)

Birth of a Royal Baby

Monday 22nd April

HM The Queen’s Birthday

  • Noon – Hyde Park (41 rounds)
  • 1pm – Tower of London (62 rounds)

May (date to be confirmed)

State opening of Parliament

  • 11am – Green Park (41 rounds)

Monday 3rd June

HM The Queen’s Coronation

  • Noon – Green Park (41 rounds)
  • 1pm – Tower of London (62 rounds)

Saturday 8th June

HM The Queen’s Official Birthday

  • 12.52pm – Green Park (41 rounds)
  • 1pm – Tower of London (62 rounds)

Monday 10th June

HRH Duke of Edinburgh’s Birthday

  • Noon – Hyde Park (41 rounds)
  • 1pm – Tower of London (62 rounds)

October (date to be confirmed)

State Visit – details to be confirmed (guns fired at the Tower and in Green Park)

Monday 13th October

State Opening of Parliament

  • 1pm – Tower of London (41 rounds)

Sunday 10th November

Remembrance Sunday

A two gun salute will be fired on Horse Guards Parade, one at the start of the two minutes silence at 11:00am and one at the end at 11:02am.

Wednesday 14th November

HRH Prince of Wales’ Birthday

  • Noon – Hyde Park (41 rounds)
  • 1pm – Tower of London (62 rounds)

In addition, there may be other salutes throughout 2019 at short notice.