Christmas jumpers from London’s venues

Tis fast approaching the season to sit in front of your computer on a video call wearing nothing except a Christmas Jumper. You might not be commuting to work as much these days, but there’s still no excuse not to terrify your work colleagues with your taste in garish clothing over the next couple of months.

The Christmas Jumper is increasingly a staple product of the museum shop, so a look around finds the following “delights” for you from London venues.

Natural History Museum

A new design, with Dippy the dinosaur standing in for Rudolph the reindeer.

Available in five sizes for £45

Details here

Science Museum

A new design this year, with the planets, stars and moon, and of course, Santa in a sleigh at the top.

Available in five sizes for £40

Details here

(Childrens version for £30 here)

London Transport Museum

Thge museum changes their design each year – and for 2024 the jumper features the Routemaster bus, Tube train, London River Service boats and IFS Cloud Cable Cars in a zig zag Fair Isle design with snowflakes and roundels.

Available in seven sizes for £48 — and they have matching socks, hat and scarf

Details here

Imperial War Museum

Green Christmas knit recycled acrylic jumper featuring Santa in a Spitfire alongside traditional christmas icons of candy canes, christmas puddings, and snowflakes in a repeated Fair Isle inspired pattern bespoke for the 2024 edition.

Available in five sizes for £45

Details here

Houses of Parliament

This year’s parliamentary jumper is a verdant green jumper with a design that draws inspiration from A.W.N. Pugin’s neo-gothic Palace of Westminster interiors, with the Parliamentary portcullis surrounded by heraldic emblems.

Available in seven sizes for £49

Details here

Tower Bridge

It is not explicitly a Christmas-themed jumper, but candidly, it is garish enough to qualify for a Christmas jumper competition.

Available in seven sizes for £46.

Details here

RAF Museum

This year’s jumper features Spitfires, roundels and “Tally Ho Ho Ho” on the back. If you look closely, you’ll see even the snowflakes are aircraft!

Available in six sizes for £32.

Details here

If I’ve missed any London museums off, let me know in the comments below.