Canary Wharf to open up its docks for leisure

One of the defining images of Canary Wharf, towers aside, is the former docks, and they could be more accessible under plans outlined by the estate.

At the moment, the docks are pleasing things to walk past, but not to sit next to and relax, but a concept image released by Canary Wharf shows plans to replace the barriers and high walls with stepped wooden decking leading down to the waterside.

(c) Canary Wharf

It’s part of a project with the Eden Project, which is going to work on a biodiversity action plan for the estate. Glenn Howells Architects will assist in developing an overall masterplan vision for the existing public realm and waterways at Canary Wharf.

As part of the partnership, the first project will be the creation of a “green spine through the centre of the Canary Wharf estate with additional green public realm, parks and gardens, waterside access, performance spaces, new bridges, boardwalks and floating pontoons.”

It’s almost certainly reading far too much into a CGI concept image, but they’ve removed all the free-standing food stalls from the area outside the tube station, which seems unlikely, as the instinctive assumption is that more seating areas would usually result in more food stalls popping up.

The design as shown also blocks off, or runs over the emergency exits for the tube station, which will need to be retained in some form or other.