Brunel’s Thames Tunnel Open to the Public
Warning – tickets are SOLD OUT. You can try turning up in the hope that people have spares, but that is about it. The Brunel Museum will however resume their floodlit tunnel train trips in a few months time.
In the meantime, here is my report of my visit to the tunnels.
On the weekend of the 12th-13th March, the world’s first underwater tunnel – at Rotherhithe – will be open to the general public.
Neither the Brunel Museum nor the LT Museum websites have any details – but phone the LT Museum on 020 7565 7298 and grab some tickets.
As it happens, I knew there were plans to do something prior to the line being reopened for trains, but I thought they had been cancelled.
The Brunel Museum used to take a slow tube train through the tunnels with the tunnel lights switched on to show off the structure, but this is presumed to be a walking tour through the tunnels before it is handed over to live trains again.
Update: The LT Museum website now has details – and it is indeed a guided walking tour from one end to the other, and back again. Self-evidently, the start/stop point will be the Rotherhithe side as that is where the museum is sited – along with the soon to be refurbished shaft area.
Note – Like turning up to a nightclub wearing trainers, there is a dress code and trainers are not permitted. You need to have sturdy shoes for the tour.
Just booked my tickets. There’s an daytime tour and more of a formal affair in the evening.
Oh and photography is allowed 🙂
I have heard of this Brunel. There is a railway tunnel somewhere (west?) where it alleged that on his birthday, for the only time in the year, the sun shines through the tunnel from one end to the other. Seems to be a myth, but a good one to pass on.
No under 16s are allowed, apparently. And the man said latex gloves have to be worn as there’s a risk of contamination (WTF?)
The gloves bit would be fairly normal in such an environment though.
I often put on latex gloves if going into damp subterranean areas as you can pick up some really icky diseases from wet surfaces, so hardly a surprise.
Thanks for the tip off & have just booked for tour & fair.
It is part of the East Festival & festival web site has a bit of info.
My goodness, the London Transport Museum ticketing service is an exercise in patience.
At present, I don’t know if I have my tickets or not. The website actually says I need to call the booking office urgently as it thinks my card MIGHT have been charged, but can’t confirm it.
Very poor show, and a truly appalling website. (Transport Musuem ticketing, not IanVisits!)
Does anyone know ANY way of getting tickets for the tunnel walkthrough? They are sold out but I want to go!!! Thank you. Polly
How disappointing…! Rang this morning to get some tickets for the tunnel tour…. All gone…. Anyone know if it will be repeated..?? ( as it’s obviously so popular)
Anyone git any tickets they can’t use..??…..Tim