A Middle-Earth style map of London
One does not simply walk into Morden…
A Canadian artist with a flair for making Tolkein inspired maps of cities has turned his attention to London and produced a map that wouldn’t look out of place on the inside cover of Lord of the Rings.
Middle Earth is a rather mountainous realm, and while London lacks mountain ranges, it has manmade mountains, in the form of buildings, so you can sort of see an air of London in the mountains as skyscrapers.
The Royal Parks are forests, and the City of London are mountains. The Shard, often considered to be out of the Lord of the Rings anyway is shown as a very tall peaked mountain.
It’s quite fun and likely to appeal to any Tolkein fan living in London as a present.
Prints of the map are available from here, with prices starting at £11.03 for the small map to £26.93 for the large map.
Shouldn’t Bexley be at the top of the map?
I have a ( Not very good ) photograph of the shard, taken early one morning from Waterloo E station, with low cloud breaking up in it’s top.
Tolkien’s description of the Tower of Orthanc fits perfectly …
Somewhere I have a photo taken from a Canary Wharf restaurant Terrace, with the sun just touching the tip of the shard, very much looking like the Eye of Sauron on top of Barad-dûr… Dangerous place south of the river!
Or the land of Mordor, as it is more properly akin to.