A Brutalist London chess set

The people behind chess sets based on city skylines have turned their attention to London’s brutalist icons.

The pawns are the terraced housing of the Alexandra Road Estate in north London.

The Rooks are One Kemble Street

The Knights are Trellick Tower

The Bishops are 102 Petty France

The Queen is Centrepoint

The King is Cromwell Tower in the Barbican

The playing board features the window fenestrations from Centre Point and One Kemble Street, both designed by the architect George Marsh.

Unfortunately, at a price of £395, it’s not a cheap chess set. But then again, Brutalism was never the cheap option either.

A more affordable option is the London skyline chess set at £95.

As a single person, maybe they can make a computer version of it so I can play a game. Such as maybe the Chess Challenger 10 — which I owned as younger person.