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Your guide to London's culture and transport news and events taking place across the city.


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sewer - Latest news, articles and photos

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. ROLL UP, ROLL UP the FATBERG is in town!
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. ROLL UP, ROLL UP the FATBERG is in town!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. ROLL UP, ROLL UP the FATBERG is in town!

A lump of congealed human waste seems an unusual object for a museum, let alone one to cause so much... is excitement the correct word?

Prepare to be disgusted as the Whitechapel fatberg goes on display
Prepare to be disgusted as the Whitechapel fatberg goes on display

Prepare to be disgusted as the Whitechapel fatberg goes on display

If you've ever wanted to see a congealed mass of babies nappies, cooking fat and domestic waste, next year is your chance, as chunk of the notorious fatberg that clogged up the sewers under Whitechapel is to go on display at the Museum of London.

Tube tunnel sized sewer planned for Kensington
Tube tunnel sized sewer planned for Kensington

Tube tunnel sized sewer planned for Kensington

One of London's lost rivers could get a tube-tunnel sized bypass under planned announced by Thames Water.

The remains of Duffield’s Sluice in Bermondsey
The remains of Duffield’s Sluice in Bermondsey

The remains of Duffield’s Sluice in Bermondsey

If you were to take a walk along the Thames riverside in Bermondsey, you might come across a slightly run-down looking building with an imposing stone plaque on the wall indicating a great heritage.

Open House – Bazalgette’s Western Pumping Station
Open House – Bazalgette’s Western Pumping Station

Open House – Bazalgette’s Western Pumping Station

Regular users of Victoria mainline train station may have noticed the presence of a tall brick chimney on the western side of the train tracks next to the river and maybe pondered its function. It is indeed a chimney –

Repairing the Fleet Sewer
Repairing the Fleet Sewer

Repairing the Fleet Sewer

Probably the most famous of the “lost rivers” under London is the river Fleet, an increasingly polluted river through the City which was slowly buried to hide its contents from surface dwelling folk as its contents became increasingly putrid. I


The Accending Room*

This morning I, as is my wont, chose to take the lift down from the 5th floor to leave the building. As I got in and instinctively reached for the G button, my nose was assailed by a most vile
